Connect Error (2054) The server requested authentication method unknown to the client

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When attempting to connect to a MySQL server, especially after an update, the ‘Connect Error (2054) The server requested authentication method unknown to the client’ can often pop up. This pesky authentication-related hiccup stems mainly from the disparities between MySQL server versions and client compatibility. But fear not! With a few steps, you can quickly rectify this issue and restore your server connections. Let’s dive in.

The error Connect Error (2054) The server requested authentication method unknown to the client is commonly seen when trying to connect to a MySQL server, especially after an upgrade. The error usually pertains to authentication plugins.

Here’s how you can fix this error:

Option 1: Use Native Password Authentication

By default, newer versions of MySQL use caching_sha2_password as the authentication method, which might not be recognized by older clients.To change the authentication method for a user:

ALTER USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' BY 'password';

Replace username, localhost, and password with your actual username, hostname, and password. After executing this command, restart the MySQL server:

sudo service mysql restart

Or if you’re using systemd:

sudo systemctl restart mysql

Option 2: Upgrade Your Client

If you’re using a MySQL client library (in PHP, Python, Node.js, or another language), ensure you have the latest version, which supports the caching_sha2_password authentication method.

Option 3: MySQL Server Configuration

If you have control over the MySQL server configuration, you can set the default authentication plugin to mysql_native_password (though this might not be the best in terms of security for newer applications).

Edit your MySQL configuration file (usually my.cnf or mysqld.cnf, which can be found in /etc/mysql/, /etc/, or another related directory).

Add or modify the following line in the [mysqld] section:


Restart the MySQL server after making this change.

Consider Security Implications

Before reverting to mysql_native_password, ensure you understand the security implications. The caching_sha2_password method is more secure than mysql_native_password.


If using caching_sha2_password, it’s recommended to also use SSL for MySQL connections to ensure the password isn’t exposed in plain text during the connection handshake.

Remember always to backup your data and configuration settings before making any changes to ensure you can rollback if needed.

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