MySQL Rejecting Correct Password “Error 1045: Access denied for user (using password: YES)”
Your certain your MySQL password is correct but you are getting "Error 1045: Access denied for user (using password: YES)". In this article we will try to resolve the issue.
How To View Linux Machines from a Windows 10 Network using the WSD Service
How to install the WSDD service to allow Windows 10 PCs to view Ubuntu Linux machines in a Windows Workgroup (network neighborhood).
Windows 10 and Linux Samba Public Share Problem: “Windows cannot access \\hostname”
Due to Windows 10 Updates, you may no longer be able to access your public Linux Samba shares as a guest user. You can fix this by using regedit re-enable access.
Postfix Gmail Bounce: This message does not have authentication information or fails to 550-5.7.26 pass authentication checks.
If you try to send email from your server using postfix without the correct SPF DNS record, it will most likely be rejected by Gmail, Outlook and other major email providers.
How to Fix: No Update Required: Your WordPress database is already up to date!
Locked out of WordPress wp-admin! How to fix problem "No Update Required: Your WordPress database is already up to date!"
How to Get the Real Client IP Address from Cloudflare in Apache or PHP
Get the real client IP (CF-Connecting-IP) from Cloudflare and pass it on to PHP or Apache. Show CF-Connecting-IP in access.log and error.log. CF-Connecting-IP in .htaccess or PHP for IP restricitons.
How to Change WooCommerce Variations and Attributes Sort Order
WooCommerce custom sort order not working? How to order your custom attributes and variations alphatically, by term ID, or by custom sort order.
Nvidia GeForce Resolution Missing? How to Create a Custom Resolution in Windows
The display resolution you want for you GeForce GPU is missing from the Windows Display Settings. You may be able to force a higher resolution using the Nvidia Control Panel.
How to Install Composer and PHP on Windows 10
In this tutorial we will install Composer and PHP for Windows to allow us manage dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.
How to Get Rid of “Connect your store to to receive extensions updates and support.”
How to remove the annoying WooCommerce notice "Connect your store to to receive extensions updates and support."