MySQL GROUP BY and concatenate
WordPress Custom Fields template usage
How to reload nginx configuration file
How to Restart PHP-FPM Service and Reload Config
PHP 7 PHP-FPM Configuration File Location?
Find the PHP-FPM config files php.ini, php-fpm.conf and pool configuration file www.conf. FastCGI Process Manager (FPM).
PuTTY Fatal Error: Network Error: Software Caused Connection Abort
Windows can trigger this error in PuTTY if it has given up on the connection. In this article we will configure PuTTY to attempt to keep idle connections alive.
PHP / Nginx: set max file upload and post size
Where is my PHP php.ini Configuration File Located?
In this article we will locate your PHP php.ini file in Linux and Windows. As there are multiple versions of PHP with different sever configurations, php.ini could be located in several different folders.